Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Good Morning Mom Kisses Bring Me Joy

I know its been awhile. I had to remind myself that this blog has been a form of journaling for me and I need to keep it up regardless of how I am feeling.

First up. There has been a lot of stress over the health of my son. The one with the freckles :) He had a mole removed at the beginning of January. The doctor called to let us know that they think it is something called a spitz nevus. The problem with spitz nevus is that it looks just like cancer, but good news is it doesn't behave like cancer. Bad news we have to cut open his arm and take out the area under the mole to see how deep this goes and hopefully get a more accurate diagnosis. So at the end of January we had that done and as you can see it was quite the cut for such a small thing. The doctor called back a couple of weeks later. Unfortunately the specialist in these types of moles is unable to make a diagnosis. He just can not tell for sure if it is spitz or melanoma. Of course I am like what do you mean you can't tell if my kid has cancer! The doctor also said that while they are pretty sure that they got it all out the specialist recommended a deeper cut to make sure there aren't any of those cells left in there. So we will be doing it all over again next Tuesday. Tanner has been so good! He cries a little while they numb it up, but other than that he just lets the doctor do his thing. I took Tanner to his regular pediatrician and they did some blood work just to make sure there wasn't anything else going on and that all came back fine so I am feeling a lot better about the whole situation.

Next up was a couple of Chicago Cubs spring training games where nice tributes were made to my Father in Law. Definitely emotional days for us but so nice to be with family and get to see others pay tribute to the amazing person my Father in Law is. I can't believe he has been gone for five months now. We sure do miss him!

My brother Craig returned home from his mission to New Jersey last week. We are happy to have him back home with us. The kids have really missed him and love having him back!

I would be lying if I said that these last couple of months haven't affected me. I am struggling to keep it all together. When Craig left on his mission I was pregnant. I should have a one year old now and instead the two year anniversary of my miscarriage is today. Yesterday was a hard day for me. I started to have fears that I was about to hallucinate. So I took a Xanax. No need to feel like that all day! The day got better. I spoke to a mom on the warmline for about an hour. It helped me to feel better about how far I have come and she said it was helpful for her too. Also made me grateful for my husband. Seriously there needs to be a My Husband is a Jerk hotline! I ended my day by spending a couple of hours in the Temple. My sister and her fiance went through for the first time last night. They will be getting married this Saturday. I love the peace I feel from being in the Temple!

Let me introduce you to Dr. Christina Hibbert. Since she isn't my Dr. I just call her Christi. She is an amazing psychologist who practices in Flagstaff. If my therapist didn't work out down here I would have totally driven the three hours to get the right kind of care! I just came across her new website and blog There is a lot of good stuff on there. Go check it out and leave her a comment. Oh, and you can like her on facebook too. I can't wait to read her book! Christi is the first person I reached out to two years ago when I realized I was in trouble. She has done amazing things for women and families in the state of AZ.

Make it a great day!