Monday, May 16, 2011


Hello Yellow! I had a pretty good week. My husband and I went to our first therapy appointment together. I was worried that he was going to say some things that would be hard for me to hear, but he didn't have to say very much. He sat back while my therapist really let me have it. I don't mind when she beats me up. It just makes me fight that much harder to get better. It takes me a couple of days to process what happens in therapy, so a couple of days after the session I realized I didn't really like what she had to say to me, so I emailed her and let her know how I was feeling. She replied I could almost see you yelling at me, good job! She likes to tease that it is her goal to get me to yell in a session. I tend to not show emotion of any kind. I think a lot of people misunderstand me because of my lack emotion. My homework assignment is to pay attention to others facial expressions and how it relates to the way they are feeling. I also have to practice making my own faces in the mirror. Happy face :) Sad face :( Angry face :{ Scared face :o. I feel pretty silly, but it's a good thing for me to figure out.

I can't believe school is almost out. I'm very much looking forward to summer vacation. It will be nice to not have to worry about waking up in the morning. I should say nice for my husband. He's the one getting up with the boys and getting them ready for school. In the fall all 3 kids will be in school! Hallelujah the day is almost here. Not that I don't love my kids because I do very much. It will just be good for them to have their time and me to have mine.

Happy Monday!


Staci said...

yay for YELLOW! You need to scream more often (and not just through an email) haha

You can take it out on me if you ever need to!

You are amazing and I am so happy you and Rob are doing therapy together. I think that you will see a HUGE improvement, just because you will be able to understand eachother better!

Kendra said...

I agree with Staci. I bet it would feel a lot better if you were to do it on person rather than in an email. But an email is a good step. Way to go for yellow! Hopefully having Rob go with you will be helpful to continue improving.