Monday, June 13, 2011


So just over a month ago I drove around in my car for about 20 minutes not realizing that my sunglasses looked liked this, and I just knew that there was some sort of lesson I could learn from this silliness. When I first put on the glasses I was in my dark garage getting ready to back out. Something seemed kinda funny but I wasn't able to tell what it was. Even when the sunlight was hitting me in the face I wasn't able to tell that one of the lenses was missing. It wasn't until my daughter said Mom somethings wrong with your glasses that I took them off and realized that the lense was gone. I couldn't believe that I had driven around for that long looking like that, and that I wasn't able to see with my own eyes what was going on. It took someone on the outside to help me figure it out.

I would like to relate this to my depression and anxiety. First of all I can't believe I have been living like this for the past five years not being able to see all the good that is around me. I know that I have a great life, but with the darkness of depression it was hard for me to really even care about my life or the people in it. I didn't see all the good that was right in front of my face. Then there is the anxiety which makes everything appear to be something it's not. I hate anxiety! It's amazing what anxiety can do to you physically and mentally. I'm learning to control it. My husband is learning how to help me with it. By the way our appointment went fabulous! I didn't get yelled at, and I think we both learned a lot about how to help me with the anxiety and the thoughts. I feel like I have been in the light for the past six months or so, but at times it has still been hard for me to see, and so I get help from the outside. I trust others to see for me, as they help me figure it all out.

The lesson that I learned is when you are struggling with anything in life it's always best to have a second pair of eyes. Find that someone that you can trust your life with, and when you can't see because things are too dark, let that someone see for you. I also learned that maybe I should get my eyes checked =)

I hope you are all having a fabulously yellow day like I am. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I'm so glad your appointment went well (and that you didn't get yelled at - bonus!) and that you're having a yellow Monday!