Monday, November 1, 2010


1 1/2 Yellowish Green I don't know. Am I allowed to do that? I guess so. It is my blog! I'm just enjoying some quiet time at home getting the laundry done. I throw the green in there because I'm feeling a little anxious today. Not sure what it's about, but I'm glad that I can recognize it, and deal with it appropriately. Maybe a thought record would be helpful. Anyways I'll let you know what I come up with. Have a great day!

P.S. I find joy in listening to my children have conversations with each other. Like last night when my daughter told her brother that when he gets married he will have to kiss a girl. His response was "Hello! I'm gonna get a lot of wedding presents!" I need to keep an eye on that boy. I have a funny feeling he is already getting kisses from some girls in his kindergarten class. Heaven help us!


Staci said...

I've missed your last few posts! :(

I'm so sorry about your house, I wish so badly you could have come home from your vacation to a better scenario! I specifically remember the date of my due date when I miscarried and thinking about what could have been. I'm glad you realize that YOU are so important and that you are taking care of YOURSELF...and then when it is time for another baby, it will be that much better!

Matt ALWAYS(sometimes too often) reminds me that faith and fear do no coexist. I have to remind myself of that when I let fear run my life.

I'm so happy for you and so glad that you have a good therapist. You are doing AMAZING & I think it is awesome you are going to take a sewing class. Change can be scary, but it can be so good:)

You are my hero!

Heidi Brinton said...

Im so glad I came upon this blog. I have been reading it for the last hour and honestly think that it is one of the greatest things. I think it is so wonderful that you can share your feelings and write them down honestly.I kind of do that when I journal and I thought I was kinda weird for it, but just by reading your posts I feel better just knowing I dont always have to have a perfect day and that really no one does all the time, but that I can still have a good day. Know that I totally support you in everything you do and you are a great example to me. I love your family so much and know you can always let me know if you need anything! I love you Julie and im so glad you are a part of our family!