Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's Gonna Be OK

Don't give up. Moses was once a basket case. I saw this on a church sign and it made me smile. I saw my therapist today and we talked about all that has been happening for me over the past few weeks. She said there were just too many stressors that occured all at the same time. She asked if we could just look at this experience as the perfect storm and move past it. We don't need to dwell on all that has happened. I don't want to fall so far back that I lose everything that I have worked towards over the last year. I need to own what is mine and keep moving forward. Things to work on over the next couple of weeks. DO NOT MARINATE IN THE THOUGHTS! Keep track of destructive thoughts and turn them into helpful thoughts. Keep talking to my husband. Get rid of the ADD med. I told her that I really liked the way it made me feel, and she said that's because it's like taking speed. She said when you get home you need to dispose of the med and then call and tell me that you did it. She didn't want me to have that temptation of taking any more of it. Anyways, I'm picking up the pieces and putting me back together. I'm back to heading in the right direction. Happy Wednesday!


Robyn said...

Just caught up on your blog. I, for one, am very glad you write about your problems. You can call me anytime. I have been stressings out myself and am considering stronger medication. It is so hard when you feel angry or sad and you know it is not real but it feels so real. I am so angry that I had my baby in March and not April. (silly I know but true) I feel guilty about not being a better friend to Holly (She is my good friend of 25 years who passed away April 2nd). Her husband called me today and read me some letters I had written Holly that made me feel so much better.
Peter crys a lot and eats constantly and I am tired and less in love with him then I should be. I am not having thoughts of hurting him but I keep having visions of him being hurt, like I fall down the stairs while holding him or I break his arm while dressing him. Oh and I feel guilty about not spending more quaility time with Jack and Sam. So I am going to take a hot bath tonight and enjoy the 15 minutes of peace I hope it brings.

Kendra said...

I am glad you are moving forward. Continue to stay strong and you will overcome this. You are a wonderful example.