Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Second Born

I find so much joy in this kid. I was able to take him to his short stuff sports class this past Saturday. When he woke up that morning he said I want to wear my muscle shirt and headband to sports. He got some funny looks from others but I thought he was absolutely adorable. I loved how the headband squished his eyes. I have a special connection with this one. He is definitely a mommas boy. At the same time he tries my patience every second of the day and makes me question my ability to be a "good" mom. My therapist would ask what makes a mom "good", and I would say all the things that I am not. So really I need to focus on all the things that I am. I need to soak up the moments like short stuff sports and squishy little eyes. Because at the end of the day when my son gives me one of his GIANT smiles, a BIG hug, and tells me he loves me, I know deep down inside that I'm doing the best that I can.

1 comment:

Two little lovebirds said...

I think we are all guilty of dwelling on what we aren't instead of focussing on what we are. You are a great mom. When I see you with your kids, I find myself thinking I want to be more like you.