Saturday, September 25, 2010


So I didn't stay YELLOW, but that's okay. I'm learning to be okay when a bad day comes along. I know we all have bad days. It doesn't mean that I have to feel sorry for myself or get depressed. It doesn't mean that I'm slipping back into the black hole that I was in. It is what it is. Like a bad hair day I suppose.

I had to go to the pharmacy this week to get my meds. I hate going there. No matter how hard I try I can't stop the negative thoughts and emotions that rush through me as I pick up my medications. Three different ones to be exact. While I know these drugs are saving my life right now, I sure wish I didn't need them. I can tell that I need to do a thought record on this. I'm gonna have to go to the pharmacy at least once a month for the next little while and it shouldn't have to ruin my day everytime I go.

Anyways I'm gonna go do a thought record on taking medication, and hopefully I can look at this in a different way. I have therapy tomorrow afternoon. I'll do Moody Monday after my session. I never know how I'm gonna feel when I walk out of there :)

1 comment:

Staci said...

We all have bad days, so don't worry about it. I hope tomorrow is BETTER!