Monday, June 20, 2011


I got me some baby love last week from this cutie and he melted my heart. I've been pretty content lately with the three kiddos that I have, but this baby reminded me of the desires of my heart. It's not time yet, but one day I know that I will be ready for this. With the help of "my team" I will be able to bring another sweet spirit into this world and our family. I know that I am at high risk for developing another perinatal mood disorder and that it could be worse than before. I also know that this is treatable, and should I find myself back in that hell, I know that I will not be alone. That's the worst part of my whole story. I was alone for so long and it didn't have to be that way. I find comfort in knowing that I have the best family and friends and that there will be many pairs of eyes watching me and making sure that all goes well next time around.

For now though I will continue to focus on my recovery which has been going quite well. Hello Yellow! Summer is flying by! I'm finding joy in spending time with my kids, and I won't lie. It helps that they go to summer camp four days a week for four hours a day :) Have a great week!


Crissybug said...

It really was so good to see you. I have to agree that this little boy melts my heart too. Your time will come soon enough, & you are are NOT alone. I hope you know and realize that I am always here if you need me. I feel like I get so busy, and sometimes am a 'bad' friend. I do think about you pretty much every day. You mean alot to me. I just hope I can return all that you have done for me. So glad you are still YELLOW!

Staci said...

yay for yellow! I hope you are still doing good:) I love your new blog look too!