Monday, August 29, 2011


I played this Kelly Clarkson song for my therapist last Friday. This song reminds me of all the feelings I have associated with my parents. I'm tired of blaming my parents for my issues. My homework assignment is to take this song and go line by line and write what the negative meaning is behind each line. My therapist said she wants me to know just how much control I have given to my parents. I told her I know. She said pointing to her heart I want you to really know.

I see the NP tomorrow morning. I'm going to ask if I can try to come off one of my meds again. I tried once before to come off this one and it was recommended that I check into the hospital. I don't think it was exactly fair though because I blame it on the ADD medication that I started the same time I was weaning off the med. So we'll try again and see how it goes. Send prayers my way. Please and thank you.

I've been having some good days, so I'm going to go with YELLOW! Have a great week!


Staci said...

One of my favorite quotes...

"Worry doesn't prevent what happens tomorrow,
it doesn't change what happened yesterday,
it only takes the JOY out of what happens today!"

I think you should take "worry" out & put in your own words, like..."letting the past control me" (or whatever you want).And remember that no matter what, you can't control yesterday or tomorrow, but you can control TODAY!


Staci said...

meant to say "you can control HOW YOU FEEL TODAY!"