Tuesday, September 6, 2011

MOODY MONDAY on a Tuesday

I hope you had a fantastic Labor Day weekend! Mine was very quiet. My husband took the kids up north while I stayed home to enjoy some time to myself. Truth is I should have gone with my family. Being alone wasn't as fun as I was hoping it would be. Oh well. It's done. Lesson learned.

I saw my therapist today and felt a little beat up. I really don't feel like talking about it, but I will say that I think I am going to take my mom up on her offer to go to therapy with me. My only concern is that the relationship we have will get worse by doing this. My therapist said your mom is not an idiot. She isn't expecting this to be a picnic. She wants to help you though. I'm willing to try anything. I can use all the help I can get.

I talked to the NP and she agreed to let me try to come off one of my meds. So far so good. I'm still taking a small dose every other day to wean off of it.

As for my mood I'm gonna say 4 pink. Earlier today I would have said 6 brown but I'm feeling a lot better so I'll stay on the positive side. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I hope it helps to have your mom go with you. Don't hold back - it will be a great time to get everything in the open and both of you can heal and move on. I am glad you're able to start weaning off one of the meds! I hope you're off it completely soon!