Monday, September 12, 2011


YELLOW Life is good. I'm just trying to stay busy during the day. It helps that I workout three days a week. That takes up my whole morning. I seem to be doing well coming off my med. Although I'm not sleeping as well as I would like, so I will need to keep an eye on that.

Next month I get the opportunity to speak on a panel at another perinatal mood disorder training conference. I'm so excited to share my story again. I have had this picture hanging up in my room from the Kelly Rae Roberts collection for over a year now. It is a good reminder to me to tell my story and more importantly believe in healing. I still have moments where I feel like I am never going to be completely whole again and then I remember to have faith in the process and to believe in healing. It has already gotten so much better and I know if I continue to push myself and do the work I will keep progressing.

This week is therapy with the husband. I'm looking forward to it. It should be a good one. My husband is a trooper and I think that therapy has been helpful for us as a couple. I hope he feels the same way. I'm also looking forward to having my mom join me on the couch in a couple of weeks. I think it will be a positive experience for both of us. If anyone else wants to join me and my therapist for 40 minutes of pure enjoyment just let me know : )

Have a great week!

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