Monday, September 19, 2011


Yellow! Its been a long busy day. I'm thankful for the busy part. It was nice to not have time to get lost in my thoughts. I got to play with the cutest 1 year old today. Her mom just had surgery and isn't able to pick her up for the next 4 weeks, so I went over to help out where I could. It was nice to visit with my friend and get some toddler love at the same time. I love that age!

I'm looking forward to going to group tomorrow. Our group has really been growing lately. There is one mom in particular that I'm praying for. She has PPOCD and has really been struggling. I wish I knew all the right words to say to make her feel better. But when you are smack in the middle of this illness you really don't believe what other people try to tell you. You just want it to be over. You want to be better yesterday! Being a mom is one of the most amazing things you can do, and it stinks that some moms get dealt the perinatal mood disorder card. It just plain stinks, but I'm here to tell you that you will get better. It's gonna be okay.

Alright it's time for me to get in bed. I'll get off my soapbox. Have a great week! Oh and for the most part I find joy in helping my kids do their homework : )

1 comment:

Kendra said...

How fun to play with the baby. I have to agree, that's a fun age. I bet the mom loved having your help too.