Monday, October 3, 2011


7 orange I wish I could say that I'm orange for Halloween. I'm feeling really discouraged and hopeless today. I saw my therapist this morning and it didn't go well. She was like why are we even here. She says that I'm sabotaging myself. She says that I'm going back to my old coping skills and I'm not using my tools. She said that I need to get assertive and stop being the victim. She wants to try doing the EMDR therapy on me again. She said she is going to push me harder than I've ever been pushed before. I left the office feeling sick to my stomach and with my anxiety level at a 7. I've just tried to stay busy today and not think about it too much. My brother is getting married on Friday, so this week is going to be busy. Hopefully that will help me push through this week. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I hope things go better for you. You can do it!!