Monday, April 18, 2011


I just wanted to get back on here and let you know that I'm feeling a lot better. I'd like to end my day at a 6 brown. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me today. I have really felt the love. Thank you especially to my mom who showed up this morning with tulips and dark chocolate. She left her job to come spend the day with me. She did my dishes, scrubbed my kitchen floor and who knows what else she did. We ate lunch together. We talked. We played scrabble. I won. It was a good day. I had a lot easier time controlling my thoughts today. I feel myself getting stronger with each day that I'm not taking that medication. I love you all! Have a fabulous week!


Kendra said...

I am glad you ended your day better. Continue being strong. You are amazing!

Betsy said...

YEAH for: YOU!

What an amazing day, what a blessing to have a day with your mamma.

Glad you're feeling better, I'm cheering for you.


Staci said...

I was hoping to see you lastnight at Tate's party to see how you are doing. We missed you. Let me know if you nee ANYTHING & that was SO SWEET of your mom to come and clean and spend the day with you!