Monday, April 4, 2011


2 Green I would just like to start out by saying how much fun I had at the two day training on perinatal mood disorders. It was awesome to be in a room full of people dedicated to the well being of moms in the state of Arizona. Telling my story went well. A year ago I never would have thought that I would be talking to a group of sixty people about my intrusive thoughts and most personal moments of my life. If my story can help others than I'm happy to tell it. I'm going to join the Arizona Postpartum Wellness Coalition where I will be able to help raise awareness in the community about perinatal mood disorders. All good things happening around here. I had therapy today. I'm down to only going once a month now. We talked about how that makes me nervous to go so long, but she says I'm doing well and that I need to believe in myself. I told her that I feel like the PPOCD is never going to be completely gone and she compared it to her daughter that has wavy hair. Her daughter hates her hair and wishes it was strait. She said my daughter has a choice. All she has to do is use a blow dryer and her hair will go straight. Similarly all I need to do is use the tools that I have learned in therapy to fight this. I know that I will have bad days. I need to not marinate in the sadness of a bad day and just keep pushing forward. Deep down I know that PPOCD wont be forever. One things for sure I will never be the same person. I will be better and stronger than I was before this experience. Have a fabulous week!

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